Young Professional
You have the job. Now what?
It takes more than a college degree to make it in the real world of work. Employers look for a variety of soft skills to back up the technical training and education you receive in pursuit of your degree.
Learn to set realistic expectations for their professional growth. You aren't going to walk into the walk into company and immediately receive a title, salary, or certain responsibilities.
Refine your communication skills.
Strong written communication skills are essential in the real world of work. Clear, well-written emails and verbal communication will help elevate your standing at your firm.
No one wants to read long or poorly written emails in the workplace. Use exclamation points sparingly and never write in all caps.
Keep Learning.
Education doesn’t end in school. There are many different types of education, and they all play an important role in helping you become a better architect.
Managerial skills
How to work with different types of people
On the job communication skills
Networking skills
It is vital to continually learn new things and update your skillset to keep up with time.
Stick with it.
Stay the course. The road to architecture isn’t for everyone. You can have classmates and friends within other careers to ask questions, but just like architecture school, it’s just different.
We know what it takes to get through the program, to become an architect is just a different type of grind.
If you love architecture , the work will be worth the reward.
Define Success.
Avoid comparing yourself to others. Career success means something different for everyone, and how you define it ultimately drives your goals. It is a combination of achieving a reasonable level of financial stability while doing work you enjoy and then finding that you are also happy and fulfilled with your life and career choices as well.
Early determination can help your vision of career success can help you set goals and increase your professional satisfaction.
Stay Connected.
Find a local AIA chapter to stay connected to other young professionals. There are over 200 chapters in the United States and abroad, there’s always something happening for architects. Network, earn credits, or just socialize.